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ADI part 2 changes
****Important message****
Fuel efficient driving may be marked as a driving fault instead of being an educational assessment on ADI part 2 tests from April 4th 2022.
The DVSA made this update to encourage new ADIs to learn the skills they need to help teach new drivers the skills to drive with economy and the environment in mind.
To help with teaching your pupils about fuel efficient driving going forward, you can find out more about all aspects of fuel efficient driving on GOV.UK which include:
• planning well ahead to avoid unnecessary stopping;
• select appropriate gears;
• avoiding harsh us of the controls;
• avoiding over-revving the engine.
You can also find more tips for fuel efficient driving in the (DVSA) official resources available from the Safe Driving for Life website. You can also find tips for efficient driving from the Energy Saving Trust.
The guidance for ADI part 2 test was updated to reflect the change from 19 April 2022.
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We have developed many resources to address all learning styles.
You will find reading references, activities and sometimes be asked to complete a quiz to check your knowledge. Theory
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Prerecorded videos which you can watch as many times as you like are now available.
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RDS DRIVING SERVICES Ltd is dedicated to providing up-to-date and accurate information. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and accurate information at the time of publication, from time to time the content of this and any other training material produced by RDS DRIVING SERVICES Ltd is subject to change without prior notice.
The official questions used in the theory test are no longer available for publication, although there are official DVSA practice questions available. The multiple-choice questions we use have been produced by RDS DRIVING SERVICES Ltd and target the full range of topics as contained in the official ADI Theory Test Question.
The results that will accumulate in the 'Mock Test Results' section are for information and guidance only and do not in any way guarantee a DVSA pass. The contents are solely for use in the way in which they were intended and supplied and are protected by copyright law. No reproduction or sale of the material is permitted either in part or in full without prior permission from the copyright owner. For further information please email enquiries@go-red.co.uk